KULTURE KEEPERS would like to send a heartfelt thanks to all supporters for making the 1st Annual Battle of Adwa Fest a great success...stay tuned for more info on the
Kulture Keepers presents
Battle of Adwa Youth Fest 2012
(March 11, 2012 (12 -7pm) @ Omenala Griot Museum, 337 Dargon Pl SW Atlanta, GA)

Empress Taitu & Emperor Menelik II
This year’s Battle of Adwa Youth Fest commemorates the 116th
year of a magnificent African victory.
On March 1st of 1896, the Ethiopian army valiantly defeated
the Italian army, serving as a beacon of light during a time of great turmoil
and losses on the African continent at the hands of colonial powers.
In celebration, we are presenting this epic battle through the eyes of our youth in aim to immerse them in their rich and proud cultural legacy of resistance and triumph. Youth will participate in essay contests, give artistic performances, and enjoy recreational activities that highlight the Battle of Adwa. In addition, the youth will have their own marketplace in which they can display and present their craft/goods and services to the community. This gives us the grand opportunity to promote and showcase the talents of our youth through entrepreneurship, scholarship, and creativity.
In celebration, we are presenting this epic battle through the eyes of our youth in aim to immerse them in their rich and proud cultural legacy of resistance and triumph. Youth will participate in essay contests, give artistic performances, and enjoy recreational activities that highlight the Battle of Adwa. In addition, the youth will have their own marketplace in which they can display and present their craft/goods and services to the community. This gives us the grand opportunity to promote and showcase the talents of our youth through entrepreneurship, scholarship, and creativity.